It can be empowering to first recognise that we are all dreaming our life into being…
In this moment – which means that in every moment we have the potential to create a different future…
As the Buddha said, there are three thousand possibilities in every moment
And so this would indicate that we can create anything we want…
We are pure consciousness experiencing life, experiencing ourselves in a body, thinking thoughts, feeling emotions…
We believe these thoughts and emotions and experiences that arise from them, to be who we are….
But so often our personality is simply a set of ideas and ideals and adaptations created from our past which we have become used to…
We often don’t question, or even stop to notice the patterns and predictability of our life…
Consciousness has limitless potential, everything we see and experience is created out of the no thing ness.
Consciousness doesn’t need form, but it seeks to create it and this universe is teeming with the possibility and potential of absolutely anything that we can imagine…
So why do we often feel so stuck, in a rut, doing the same things over and over… ?
Acting out the same habits, reactions, responses that then bring about the same life…
If we like this life, and who we are – then all is well…
But if we would like to feel fully at ease, with peace inside, and to create from a place of joy and ease; without the push or stress that may have accompanied other times of desire or striving – even perhaps when we have tried to learn to meditate and be still!
Then it is important to start to connect to who you truly are.
And we discover ourselves in the silence of the breath…
In learning to be the witnesser when we meditate
In this silent space within, we can be free of the habits of our unconscious and start to consciously create our life…
Breath by breath by breath.
We can discover how to be the masters of our body and our mind and experience life in the now….
When we create our life from this place, everything feels different…
But it takes practise, like anything…
Just deciding to do things differently or be different doesn’t often have lasting effects… When we don’t shift at the core level then we easily revert to the patterns and programming of those initial years…
It is through being present in every single moment and being conscious of our every feeling, reactivity and thought that we can start to truly understand how we can in the present moment heal the past and create a new future…
It comes back to the breath
To be present
To feel and experience presence – being willing to fully step into the step.
To feel it, be it, and know that if you are fully present, the next step can take care of itself from our conscious creativity…
Connecting to our true self and the life we would truly like to live can happen in wonderful ways from the moment we commit to looking within rather than searching for stimulation and answers outside of ourselves…
In this moment, we can turn inwards and know ourselves
But it takes practise
Being presence
Being present