Embracing our differences…

We feel safe when we are validated, understood, seen and heard….

So why would we not give this gift to another?

When we truly listen to the person in front of us…

When we cross the bridge into their world, and see things from their position…

When we really step into their shoes, rather than projecting from our side of the bridge and in our shoes…

When we do this, we will experience true connection, because we are not putting anything of ourselves onto the other, neither are we hoping or wanting them to be, what they may not be…

When we free ourselves from any expectation or desire that the other be as we want them to be, and instead meet the other as they are – a harmony and a healing happens in the space between us and them…

And the potential for inner growth and transformation occurs…

When we are heard and there is no judgement, it follows that we learn to love and accept ourselves a little bit more; and we can drop any pretences or masks that we might use to face the world – with that feelings of unworthiness vanish.

So why would we not practice giving this type of love to all who we meet

Our world expands with each different encounter and conversation we have; and when we meet everyone in the spirit of namaste,

‘I honour the spirit in you that is the spirit in me’

Then there is no limit to what we might discover, or who we can connect with, as the connection is recognised from the outset…

When we live this way, with an open heart, and our inner light burning bright, we open the door to world peace; to healing globally, interaction by interaction…

When we are a light unto our self, then we honour the light in each and every person.

Dear Diary; Beyond The Illusion

 Lock down has turned a key within me, that has opened a door which finds me speaking and connecting with many more people!

It all began when my fabulous client Josie encouraged me to hold an online Satsang… 

A ongoing dialogue has opened up from there…

Many questions are being asked; and in many different ways, this one question keeps arising…

Who am I? 

Who am I really?

From the same source; we are all born…. Of consciousness, of infinite love.


This is who we really are… And in the present moment we know who we truly are, when we are silent, and still – there we are, here – now.

But in the moment that we ‘react’ to anything we are immediately in the past.

The old brain, the prehistoric brain is telling us that there is ‘danger danger danger…’  It has been reminded of something way back; way back when we were little… When to survive we adapted our behaviour to keep safe within our family, within our society.

We created a self that fitted in…

So when we react, something has challenged this created self, the hurt self, the ego… 

But none the less…The self you believe yourself to be; the identity which you hold on to tightly; because…

Letting it go feels to be a death…

Oh what irony, to be living asleep, not recognising that who we are is always there, eternal.

Our freedom arises when we

Let go….

Let go of every single shred of attachment to our sense of self, and discover the self that is true…

The I beneath the I

And the we let go is through experiencing everything we feel – and living it fully

Fully feeling and cutting those stories… 

To heal we must feel.

The way to freedom is through our experiences, consciously experiencing them.

Being fully in each moment of everything in our lives, without resistance.

And then we start to shed the layers, peeling them back like an onion skin –  and journeying to the centre of the earth; to the centre of our being.

To discover that consciousness is at the centre and circumference of all things.

So within, so without.

Our outer experiences reflecting our inner state.

If we want to experience a different reality, we must travel inwards and clear all that is blocked or stuck; and recognise the patterns that are looping around; maybe so many times in this life, that eventually you start to see them; recognise their familiar ways…

It is likely that we have been doing the same thing for lifetimes…

And now you are beginning to see…

Once the veils of awareness have been parted, it takes courage to keep them drawn back… To resist any desire to close them again.

Out of fear for a new uncharted future…

And instead, see beyond the illusion – and wake up to who you truly are.