A never ending conversation…

Julia Chi Taylor

Our dialogues twist and weave in a never ending conversation.

Every word we utter, every thought we think has energy, power, it has its own life…

And so we must be aware of what we think, and what we say – we must be aware of our opinions, our beliefs, our judgemnets and prejudices -they are creations – they have form…

And when we believe they are real, they can take over, and we can lose the truth of who we truly are… Awareness; consciousness….

When we remove any attachment to the words and thoughts, when we bring ourselves back to our centre, to our stillness, then the thoughts collapse… They have no life anymore, the words too – they disappear into the ether…

They die

As we must die to our self, to our identifications – to all we believe ourselves to be, if we are to experience who we truly are.

Every single thing we ‘do’ here is a role, a conditioning that we have learnt, have been taught – and often have come to believe is who ‘we are’…

But we are not our roles or our conditioning.

While we are in this form, it is good that we can remember how to walk and talk and ‘do’ the things we have learnt, like driving a car, riding a bicycle, reading, writing and arithmetic.

But always we must know we are not these things

We are more than all of these things

We are not our thoughts for we are the source of all thought

There is no beginning or end to us

We exist

And it had always been this way….

And when we take time to go within, to drop all the roles, the ideas, the opinions and instead experience our selves, beyond the created self, then we experience true joy, bliss

And we can truly ‘in joy’ this experience called life 

Life, a meditation on the move…


In the step

The zone 

In the moment

A meditation on the move


These words and phrases all describe a state of flow when performing an activity – often sport…

But ultimately life….A meditation on the move
When life is a meditation on the move then everything flows…

I listen to some Spanish every day – to keep my ‘ear in’!
I usually listen to a YouTube channel where people are interviewed in the street about a subject… Today, the subject was about ‘stress…’ 

‘What do you find stressful’? The interviewer asked person after person ( in Español!)

Every single person who was interviewed found something – or even everything – in their life stressful…
Their work, relationships, the traffic, noise, children… Something or everything…

It was portrayed as ‘normal’ for life to be stressful…

But the truth is that to be permanently under stress, as many people are, is unnatural…

And it isn’t the situation… Other people, work, relationships… Even traffic – that is actually causing the stress…

It is our response to it.

In the case of noise or traffic jams, or any ‘problem’ or puzzle – just ‘giving permission ‘ for the ‘thing’ to be there, can change our perception of it…

Or changing the narrative…
‘I’ve time to just be and reflect while I sit in this traffic…’
Even when we need to ‘get somewhere’ – the practise of letting go and being where we actually are, is life changing…

Life to be permanently stressful is not our natural state… Our natural state is relaxation, joy, easy movement and presence…

As we move from child to ‘grow up’ – this is what often happens, we just grow ‘up’ and are tall and carrying more weight and years in our being; but the child is still hurt and carrying those wounds – and so  life feels difficult….

We are all creating our own realities from the inside out, we are projecting our subconscious thoughts feelings and patterns onto the screen of life; and we can all change the whole world, by changing our own inner world…

When we ‘look out’ wanting everything around us to change, we stay in an impossible loop…

When we want the other to be different, we disempower ourselves.

We are the change, we have within us everything to transform our lives, and the lives of others by our very presence.

When we shine with our own light, we become beacons of joy

Life becomes a meditation on the move, and we light the way for all we encounter on the path…