Dear Diary; The Path is Always Inwards

A few days ago a memory showed up on Facebook… As they do!

It was of a video of me running along a road in Spain, without my shoes on… I was twenty six days in the fifty two day journey from the North to the South of Spain barefoot…

A film of my life

That now  – never happened…

Our past is gone, like the wake of a boat.

Trying to hold on to the past, keeps us from living


Watching the film is fun, but it is like watching any film…  A scene on a stage… An illusion flickering and dancing, creating an image…

That fades away and never was.

All made up.

We are not the same as we were yesterday… The stories of our life are just stories – and they are great fun; to re visit; sometimes…

We love a good story!

It’s like reading a book that we really enjoyed, that we lived – the characters our friends for awhile… Remembering our life is like dipping back into the parts of the book that affected us the most – had the most impact…

But when we get stuck there, in a past that never happened, then we can never fully live.

When we get stuck in the past, wishing to be there – ‘Those where the best days of my life’ – Or wishing to change them – full of regret – ‘If only I’d known what I now now…’

Then we cannot live now – and we fear for a future that doesn’t exist…

And so we never fully live.

We simply act on the stage of life, with its ever changing scenes and actors playing different parts but the same story – over and over…

Until we die having never fully lived…

Now is here

Now is now

This is our life… We are creating the story of our life in each moment… We are making the path by walking each step in whichever direction we choose

In the moment.

And the path is inwards… Always inwards…

There is never a stop sign, or a no entry sign on this pathway.

The road is open…


The road to the infinite 
